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Speaker: Jeff Jarvis

Someone asked me recently why I chose the Christian tradition to pursue my spiritual journey.  My honest first answer was that I was born into a Christian family.  I wasn’t really given a choice.  But after reflecting on it, despite it’s many downfalls and problems, there were a number of other good reasons that I could have given as to why I passionately remain and follow in the Jesus tradition.  Have you ever had to answer that question?  Why you or someone you know has opened up to the influence of the Christian tradition?  What is it about this thing that keeps you/them coming back for more?

This Sunday, I’m going to share some observations about Jesus and his movement that, in my opinion, give it some serious street cred.   Regardless where you stand in your beliefs, I think reflecting on the enduring, transformational mark that the life and stories of Jesus and his movement have left on our world will make almost anyone tip their hat.  Join us this Sunday at the gym.

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