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Speaker: Jeff Jarvis & Adam

The search to find belonging can lead us down a lot of frustrating dead-ends. One common route these days has been called the “Echo Chamber”. That group or community that thinks, talks, perhaps looks, even believes much the same way we do. Ironically, researchers have found that as people have sorted into these kinds of homogeneous communities, that levels of loneliness and disconnection have actually increased. Why would that be? Wouldn’t there be less arguing, less misunderstanding, more harmony? What is it about being around people who are different than us that could result in deeper levels of community?

This Sunday, as we close out the final chapter of the “Soundtrack for the Soul” series, we’re going to highlight a hit from the Strumbrella’s called “We don’t know”. Looking for a deeper sense of belonging? Join us this Sunday at the gym.

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Original Illustrations by Harriet Stanley

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Phyllis Cooper says:

    I think Adam’s story is more common than we think – I mean about growing up in a strong religious church and then turning off belief in God completely. I truly believe in God but definitely not the God I was fed through growing up in church. There definitely is a difference and I hope that the real God is revealed to others. Also I thought I’d never heard of The Strombellas band but now realize after hearing them on the radio today, I’ve had the song Guns in my Head rolling around in my head for quite some time lol. Not a song I’d include in the soundtrack of my life!

    • Jeff Jarvis says:

      I think you’re right Phyllis, much more common than we think. Whether you walked away from your faith or know people who have, I hope you found the message encouraging for your journey. Loved your comment about the Strumbella’s tune too. 😂

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