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Speaker:  Tom Morris

Within each of us is a story. A story that for better or worse, got us to this moment in our lives. When we are aware of that story, this moment has a depth to it that ignorance lacks. Much of our spiritual journey, we believe, comes from learning from what got us to this moment. We call this our founding story.

The sharing of our founding story is a powerful experience. Because in seeing what got each of us to this moment we start to see the humanity in all of us. Each person we ask to speak at Friends Church shares their founding story at some point or another. And this week, Tom Morris, is going to share his.

The learning he has gleaned from his story is inspiring – both for what his life reveals in all of us, but also in learning from the way he has come to terms with his founding story.

I his own words:
“Certainly gives birth to mystery, dogma gives birth to understanding, and death is born again in love.”

This will be an open and honest morning full of spiritual insight for each and every one of us. Don’t miss this week! See you at the Spiritual Gym.

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