We know that not everyone fits traditional church.
Hell, most of us don’t fit traditional church. But most of us also want spirituality in our lives.
Friends Church exists to inspire our community to a healthy spirituality that Takes Water to their world.
Join Us in Person
Every Sunday at 10:30am
900 47th Ave SW, Calgary
2024 Water Awards
Nominations now Open
The Water Awards at Friends Church launched in 2023. They are designed to recognize and celebrate individuals from our Friends Church community who have made significant contributions to their world in the area of "Taking Water."
The primary purpose of these awards is to honor the contributions of those who have demonstrated outstanding Water Taking. By spotlighting these efforts, the awards aim to inspire and encourage more people to engage in similar activities of Taking Water to their own World.
Current Series
There’s a profound idea, a metaphor, that has always captivated us: the notion that within each of us, there exists a spark of the divine. Imagine being able to see "God" reflected in the faces of everyone you encounter - we can actually see the “face of God.” It’s a powerful concept—an invitation to recognize the divine essence in every person you meet.
But here’s the question: How many people in our lives do we truly see? How often do we simply glance and move on, assuming we know them without ever looking deeply? How often do we assume we know someone without looking deeply? How often do our hurts get in the way of truly seeing another person and going deep with them? How many times do we overlook the “face of God” because we haven’t learned to truly see the people around us?
Over the next few weeks, we’ll embark on a journey to master this art of deep seeing. This is more than just an intention—it’s a skill to be cultivated. Together, we will learn how to perceive each other more profoundly, embracing our spiritual quest for something More.
Series Started September 29th