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So yesterday this little gem came to me in my email:

“Today, see if you can do the opposite of your ordinary personality pattern. Be receptive and non-assertive and see what happens.”

You see, my way of controlling the world around me is to be assertive.  So, good reminder hey?

You can get these reminders daily for free.  Its from the Enneagram Institute which is a 9 box personality categorizing system.  If you listened to my message last week (you can listen here) most of the examples of how we control the world were from there (if you are wondering what I am, I’m a type 8)

To figure out what type you are take the test here

And then sign up for the daily email on the two highest rated areas here

And be prepared to be called out for how you try to control or manipulate the world around you.

Here’s to good relational health!!




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