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Speaker: Jeff Jarvis

None of us want to walk into a situation where our entire spirituality is under threat – be it a friend who knows way too much about what we believe and can find every hole in it, or an author who asks questions that seem impossible to answer, or a life situation that will knock us off of our spiritual feet. That’s not a situation that any of us enjoy. But the issue goes deeper than that.

It’s the angst of feeling that our faith is fragile. So fragile that we know there are things out there in the big bad world that could take it out. So we find ourselves feeling nervous or defensive, maybe close-minded, or we hide it all together.

What if we could wrestle through those parts of our spirituality in a safe environment, look at what makes us nervous with openness and honestly, and come to a place where our faith can stand up to any criticism – without resorting to dogmatism or fear. Where we don’t feel nervous about our faith.

This Sunday we’re going to explore the common critique of religion and spirituality as being self-serving – a “make me feel good” club. Hope you can join us.

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