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In a group as Heterogeneous as we are its hard to know who is sitting next to you.  So we wanted to introduce the people all around you.  People who are on their own, unique spiritual journey.  People who are seeking something More.  People who might be very similar to you, or very different.  This is Friends Church.

Judy’s story


I was raised in a Russian Orthodox tradition where men stood on one side of the church and women on the other.  There were painful depictions of Jesus on the cross that hung in the distance and frequent Russian Gregorian chants. Church was traditional and often extreme. Despite my knowing this representation of faith did not work for me, I still yearned for the presence of God in my life so I was confirmed Anglican and experienced other churches as well.  Later, my divorce challenged my Judeo-Christian upbringing and I became very disenchanted by the concept of organized religion—my belief was “I do not fit”.

My beginning days with Friends Church were met with skepticism and an underlying need to bolt if it became too religious. Gradually this changed for me and Friends Church became a safe place where I could worship as I choose. Our pastors talk to us about today’s world. I appreciate how their messages challenge me to grow in self love and acceptance so that I am able to bring love and acceptance to my world.

For me “taking water” comes in a variety of ways. I financially contribute to our Rio Azul and Mexican community development projects and I enjoy supporting our Syrian family as I am the child of immigrants. Whether I’m home at the Sunday service or abroad listening to podcasts, our church feeds my soul.

Traditional church did not work for me, but Friends Church does. Spiritually we are all “One”—yet we are so unique in our experiences of this “oneness” that in our individuality we “do fit” at Friends Church.

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