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** This message contains adult language that may not be considered suitable for younger listeners **

Speaker: Trevor Dreher

We’ve probably all had a moment in our lives when our inner a$$hole came out and wreaked havoc in our lives: the person looking at you with pain in their eyes, people refusing to talk to you or people no longer willing to spend time with you.  It sucks!  And it often sucks for days/weeks/years later.  Brutal!

What if there are skills/mindsets you can learn to avoid those painful consequences?

If you’ve ever had to deal with the negative results of your inner a$$hole in your life, this series is for you.  Join us this Sunday and invite your friends (but don’t tell them that you think they are the a$$hole that needs help )

P.S.  As we’ve talked to family and friends about the ‘Controlling my Inner a$$hole’ series, everyone of them expressed two thoughts:  You can do that at Church?  And yup I need to work on that:)

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