Though it may not have felt great at times, there's something fulfilling about looking back at the things we've learned and done over the years that have caused us to change and grow as people? Especially when we can spot ways that our personal growth has caused positive change around us. It's like we begin to see deeper purposes and meaning for our lives - that life is about more than just ourselves.

This is the spiritual process of "becoming".

Though everyone's journey will look different, there seem to be some common traits that the spiritual ones acquire? That catalyze "becoming". We're going to spend 4 weeks looking at some of these through the life of a biblical figure who experienced a incredible transformation over his lifetime and led to a huge impact on his world. We're going to talk about a guy named Jacob.

For everyone who has at some point wondered what years in the spiritual gym should be leading you toward, this series is for you.

Series ran May 2021

Finding Your People

Speaker: Jeff Jarvis I believe one of the great human experiences is to have people in our lives who we can experience meaningful connection with. To have someone we can…

A Path to Spirituality

Speaker: Vince Klassen People often ask us, “What’s the end game of this spirituality thing?” Where are we trying to get?  We get it, in an age when there is so…


Speaker: Jeff Jarvis If there is one thing that we can be pretty much assured of in life, it’s that we’re going to get hurt. Many of us already have been. Broken…

Stepping Out of the Cage

Speaker: Vince Klassen As we explore what it looks like to Become a person of deep spirituality, we start to ask the question: Where are we on our journey? Are you…


Speaker: Jeff Jarvis I love good deals! The thrill of spotting something valuable that the seller underestimated or being able to negotiate a “winning” price – these kinds of experiences…