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Speaker: Vince Klassen

As we explore this idea of adding Transcendence into our lives, there are some foundational skills we need in place to build upon. One of those skills is relationships – the We of our lives.

Do you have a goal for your relationships? Do you know how to create beautiful and healthy relationships with all the people in your life?  Family?  Friends?  Work?  Neighbours?  Strangers?

This is the skill that much of our Transcendence builds upon and so, like having good form in the physical gym, there is good form that we all seem to need to know in the Spiritual Gym.

If your relationships are struggling? If you find yourself thinking a lot about boundaries? If you tend to be a people pleaser? Or a narcissist? This message is for you. If all your relationships are perfect, then you can sit this one out. But if you are anything like me, while some relationships are great, some could use some work.

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