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Thin Places
Speaker: Vince Klassen

There’s this term called Thin Places. Those places where you feel like you and the divine are closer than normal. Where the barrier that separates you from the divine seems thinner.
It doesn’t seem to look for same for everyone. It doesn’t seem to happen the same for everyone. But when it happens, it’s magic: moments of serenity beyond what you feel, guidance that could not have come from you, feelings of being loved wholly and completely, a whole raft of possibilities that are unique to you and God. However it looks for you, one thing is in common to all experiences, it’s magical. It’s those moments of epiphany that have the power to change the course of your life.
I wonder if we all might like a few more Thin Place in our life? Because we think we can help you create more.
Join us for our new series called Thin Places, and experience more of God in your life.
The song that is referred to during this message is <font color=”#3366CC”><a target=”_blank” href=”″>’Here by the Water'</a></font> by Steve Bell

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