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Speaker: Jeff Jarvis

So there are the negative situations we’ll face in our everyday lives, and then there are the “Traumatic Events”. The sudden illnesses, tragic accidents, deaths, financial collapse, some kind of violence or abuse. These and other traumatic experiences come unannounced and without discrimination, knocking, sooner or later, on the door of almost every household. Not just disturbing our peace or ruining our day but plunging us, and often loved ones, into some of the most suffocating, destabilizing, and painful chapters we’ll face in our lives. It’s stuff that’s awkward to talk about and often shoved under the rug… But never seems to go away.

In part two of our “In the Wilderness” series, and as a follow-up to my message a couple weeks ago entitled “Dealing with Scar Tissue”, I want to talk about trauma, and share a couple biblical stories that seem to point to a way out. If you or your loved ones have experienced some trauma – perhaps someone is still struggling to recover from something that happened even years ago.

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  • Lisa says:

    What a powerful message, Jeff. I hope that for many people hearing it it was just the right time so that they were able to resonate with the challenge of doing the hard work to get the job done. I’m one of the lucky ones who has come through the tunnel(s) but still has to maintain a few codes to keep the status quo. I too am one who wants to say, ‘get over it already’. However I know ‘it don’t come easy’ as Ringo would say.

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