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We’re on the homestretch of love month and with that comes our hardest assignment yet.  In every relationship, sadly there can be times when things happen that damage the trust, closeness and love that once existed between two people.  Too often the damage that occurred can railroad the relationship off course and we can find ourselves drifting apart from a close friend or loved one.  This week we want to encourage you to take the first step towards mending a relationship in your life that may have run off course.

This can look different for every unique relationship; it may be reaching out to a friend that you haven’t spoken to in years, or finally setting up that counselling appointment with your spouse, maybe it starts with an apology.  However it looks in your relationship we want to encourage to take that first step.

Fixing a broken relationship is a long process, we realize it’s not something that can be done in a week, or even within a month.  Our hope is that this assignment will challenge you to take the action needed to start the process of healing with someone that is important in your life.

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