In the somber landscape of today's world, the sad realities of wars persist on both global and interpersonal fronts, casting a shadow over the human experience. Globally, nations grapple with the devastating consequences of armed conflicts, leaving communities shattered, economies crippled, and countless lives irrevocably changed. On a more intimate scale, individuals find themselves entangled in personal battles, be it ideological differences, familial disputes, or struggles for personal validation. The toll of these conflicts leaves scars that run deep, eroding the fabric of trust and understanding. In the midst of these sad realities, we are left to ask, what can we do? What Ends Wars?

Is there hope for a world liberated from the devastating impacts of all forms of warfare? What path lies ahead, and is there even a viable way forward?

These questions become especially relevant in the context of an author from our spiritual tradition who has delved deeply into this very topic. Their insights can illuminate a path that holds the potential to genuinely put an end to all wars.

Join us in this crucial discussion as we collectively explore ways to steer towards a world characterized by peace, both on a global scale all the way to the wars between us and the people in our lives.

Series ran March - April 2024

Toxic Faith

Speaker: Jeff Jarvis Throughout history, religious beliefs have been a double-edged sword, offering solace and guidance while also igniting conflicts and division. They’ve inspired acts of compassion, charity, and unity,…

Would Humility Create Peace?

Speaker: Vince Klassen In recent weeks, we’ve delved into various scenarios shedding light on the What Ends Wars. From realizing that peace seldom emerges solely from victory to grappling with…

Spiritual Responsibilities

Speaker: Jeff Jarvis Watching the innocent casualties of war is hard. People being forced to flee with very few belongings, often grieving the loss of loved ones. The suffering is…

An Invitation to Freedom (Easter)

Speaker: Jeff Jarvis & Vince Klassen If you think about the foes you’ll wage war against in your lifetime, none of them will likely be as powerful and potentially as…

Raise All Boats

Speaker: Vince Klassen After our discussion last week about how victory doesn’t necessarily lead to peace, we’ve been feeling somewhat disheartened. So, how do we actually foster peace? Our current…

Watch Out for the Zealots!

Speaker: Jeff Jarvis Cathy and I have been married for over 33 years. You would think by now that we would never argue. Lol. There seems to be this subconscious…