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Speaker: Jeff Jarvis

I was 14 and the new kid on the block having just moved out to a small town in Central Alberta. I wanted nothing more than to assert myself as a real hockey player to my new “country” friends. But the adjustment from fancy big city rinks to dilapidated old country natural ice was massive. I couldn't figure out how these guys could skate so effortlessly on ice that was so beaten up and mired with craters and rough patches. I couldn't stop complaining and griping!

Have you ever found yourself pouting and ready to quit after something turned out different than you expected? I can't count the number of times it's happened to me. It's so easy when feeling this way to want to walk away, to resign, to passive-aggressively dig in the heels in protest behavior.

To be able to withstand this temptation and to rise above it, is one of the greatest abilities, I think, one could have for the spiritual journey. One that could make all the difference for you and I in 2021.

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