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Speaker: Vince Klassen
Wouldn't it be nice if we could just have that spiritual practice of living a Meaningful Life...without doing anything?!? Ya, it would be nice if life worked that way…

The reality is, if we don't make some changes, and probably some regular changes, life will pretty much look like it does now, only we will know we are missing something. We know there is a Meaningful Life and we will know we are not living it.

So what do we need to do? This is the million dollar question we all need to wrestle with and it’s what we have explored this whole series. This week we are going to look at the physical practices that can move us. Move us to be a healthier version of ourselves, to be kinder and more loving to the people around us, and can add a spiritual dimension to our everyday lives.

But it starts by accepting that without change, there will be no change. So what should we change in the physical realm of our lives? What should we put on repeat? What should we make a practice of? What should be In the Groove of our lives?

Join us this week as we move a little together, and do the spiritual work of committing to living a more Meaningful Life.

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