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Speaker: Jeff Jarvis

Chances are, we’ve all encountered those conversations when two opposing views collide and the discussion goes South. It seems there’s a lot of it these days… over social media, around the water cooler at work, even across the dinner table.

The polarizing topic can be anything – politics, religion, a social issue…heck even Taylor Swift attending her boyfriend’s football game has got people worked up!

What’s tragic are the results of many of these heated conversations. Many relationships leave wounded, with less trust, more anger, and more judgment. And if you zoom out, you’ll likely notice how they’re leaving communities more segregated and families more estranged.

Is it even possible to have deep, thought-provoking conversations around issues that matter with people who see things differently than you/me? Is it possible to listen as someone says something you don’t agree with – without getting triggered and reacting negatively? Do we have to retreat to our echo chambers in order to remain calm? What kind of world are we becoming?

This Sunday we begin a new series called Disagreeing Beautifully, designed to keep the conversation going and to build our capacity for differences of opinion. Because, like Jesus said, “What’s the big deal if you can only love those who agree with you? Anyone can do that.”

Invite a friend and join us Sunday in the “Gym”.

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