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Speaker: Vince Klassen

I was walking down the sidewalk a few days ago, yelling at my phone. Literally yelling out loud at my phone. I was trying to pay for parking and the parking app wasn’t working and I lost it! Lost it!
O.K., I’m willing to bet you all know a little of what I mean? It’s maybe not on the parking app while walking down the road but…
Where do you lose it? When do you behave in a way, that when you look back, you are not sure what possessed you? And who has been hurt in the process? You? People around you?
Throughout this series, we have looked at the Cracks in our Foundations. From fears from our childhoods and from how we were raised. They all seem to be still in there ready to jump out and make us lose it.
But what if there was a toolkit that we can make use of that would help us avoid these moments when we snap? We can avoid saying that hurtful thing. We can not act like a crazy person. What if there were a series of things we could do to help us keep calm? Would that be valuable in your life?
It has been in mine and I’m looking forward to sharing them with you. For all of us who have behaved, in a moment of high stress, in ways we are not proud of, this is a must attend event. Because we are going to learn the Toolkit of emotional regulation that you never learned when you were young, but have been paying for all along.
Come on out, as a way to get ready for the stress of the holiday season, and learn how to stay calm through whatever comes your way.
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