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Speaker: Vince Klassen

The Bible says ‘Thou shalt not kill’. Yet in the very next chapter it says ‘Whoever strikes their mother or father shall be put to death’. In fact, the Bible is filled with crimes that are punishible by death. So, is it ever okay to kill another human being? Under what circumstances is it justifed? Because….sometimes it seems right to kill. Look at the case of Bethany Arceneaux.

Perhaps we are looking at this whole Commandments thing the wrong way. The 'Ten Commandments' is actually a translation of the Hebrew phrase '10 words'. So what if rather than looking at the Ten Commandments as a list of set-in-stone rules we saw them as something else. Something powerful enough to change our lives, but we need wisdom to know when to apply them.

Join us as we try to reconcile the stories in the Bible of where God seems to ask people to kill while still preserving the power within the sixth commandment.

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