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Speaker: Jeff Jarvis

So Cathy and I have been celebrating our 25th Wedding anniversary this year. In the process, I've been reflecting on the friendships that we've shared and experienced over that time. Though we're still connected to a lot of them, many of our friendships are not what they once were. Many have changed and some have even ended. It seems when “life” happens, a lot can change. All it takes is a move, a new job, a divorce, a kid, even a new church. It's weird when it happens. It can leave us either without enough meaningful friends or with too many. For the first of our “Best of” series, I decided to revisit a message that I did almost a year ago that sparked a lot of conversations and feedback. I think it got people thinking hard about the friendships they have or want and gave them some practical wisdom to make healthy change. If you value friendship and connection, you'll want to make plans to join us this Sunday.

In my message, I reference the message that Vince did on reciprocity. You can listen to that message here:

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